We had the pleasure of organising a Storytelling workshop with Adam for our Batxilergo students. Adam is an excellent communicator and students loved the workshop. It was very useful to motivate our students and help them perform their own stories in small groups, focusing on storytelling strategies and intonation. We are looking forward to having Adam again next year, thank you!


Iturrama BHI Pamplona/Iruñea, Nafarroa

We liked your tales! Highly recommendable! We hope to see you next year, many thanks.


Sopela BHI Bizkaia

Adam’s performance was really entertaining and original. The students enjoyed the way Adam told us about his childhood and teenage memories back in London. The students liked the performance and they would definitely recommend it to other students.

Nerea and Iraide

Kurutziaga Ikastola, Durango, (Bizkaia)

Totalmente recomendable. Los niños disfrutaron muchísimo y aprendieron sin darse cuenta. Se nota que ama su profesión ya que prepara todo al detalle y con mucho cariño. Merece la pena.


CEIP Espartero, Logroño (La Rioja)

Adam was at Berrobi’s school, where children of different ages are in the same class. He prepared two sessions: one for infant and 1st and 2nd primary which lasted 45 minutes and children enjoyed with dance and music and the story of a treasure. The other one was for 3rd to 6th primary, which lasted 50 minutes and the story engaged children from the beginning until the end. Thanks a lot and come again soon!

Gema Altuna

Berrobiko Eskola, Berrobi (Gipuzkoa)

Nos encantó que Adam viniera a la escuela a compartir sus historias con nosotros. Los niños y niñas se mostraron muy participativ@s y Adam es muy profesional y ha escrito unas historias tan bien pensadas y emocionantes. El nivel de inglés era muy adecuado para el alumnado y nos encantaría volver a verle.


The British School of Navarra, Gorraiz, (Navarra)

He is a great professional and a really good communicator. His stories are very interesting and well thought-out; not just to learn or practise the language, but also to learn more about English culture.

Sonia, Arantxa, Xabi, Maider and Itsaso

Toki-Ona BHI, Bera, (Nafarroa)

It’s been a fantastic experience for the kids. They enjoyed it a lot and the shows are very educational and interesting. All the kids said that they want to repeat the experience next year. It was amazing.

Oso ikuskizun didaktikoa eta interesgarria da. Ikasleek asko disfrutatu zuten eta esperientzia zoragarria izan da beraientzat. Ikasle guztiek esan zuten datorren urtean ere ikusi bahi dutela.


Ispasterko Eskola, Ispaster, (Bizkaia)

A unique experience for our students. They enjoyed the storytelling show without the presence of new technologies, where just Adam’s voice, gestures, the simple props, the lighting and the background music caught our teenagers’ attention and got them interested in the story. This year we also worked on the vocabulary worksheets that he kindly provided before the show, which helped significantly because our students got to understand the key vocabulary they would encounter in the show.

As for the logistics, Adam was so helpful and he managed to adapt to our school’s needs.          As for the teachers, we really appreciate the effort and care that he puts into the stories as they are beautiful stories, full of messages about human values. We were hypnotized by his shows and enjoyed ourselves as if we were back in our own childhood. We will definitely contact him the next school year, as we have done for the last three years.

Larraintzarko Ikastetxea

Larraintzarko Ikastetxea DBHI- Larraintzar (Navarra)

The Enchanted Frogek eskaintzen duen ikuskizunarekin gozatzeko aukera izan genuen Alaitzen joan den udaberrian. Ipuin ezberdinak daude aukeran eta ixtorio bakoitza dagokion adinari dago egokitua. Fantasiazko ipuinek kitzikatu zuten gazteenen irudimena. Helduenek ordea ixtorio errealagoan murgiltzeko aukera izan zuten, musikak lagunduta. Argumentu interesgarriek eta planteamendu pedagogiko ezin hobeagoak ikuskizun hau borobiltzen dute. Oso oso gomendagarria. Alaitzeko ikasleek bikain baloratu zuten.


Alaitz Institutoa Barañain, (Nafarroa)

Una actividad muy recomendable para complementar las clases de inglés. Historias adaptadas a los diferentes niveles con un vocabulario muy apropiado. Cuentos muy didácticos con moraleja que invitan a la reflexión. Además, la interpretación de Frog es inmejorable y muy amena.


CP Zudaire, “Las Amescoas” (Navarra)

Adam has been a professional worker. He plans all the shows according to the kids’ needs and level. His shows have been very useful to increase kids’ vocabulary and motivation towards the language. Moreover, he makes them dynamic and students can participate during them. Besides, they have the opportunity to listen how the real British pronunciation is. It’s been a pleasure to have him at our school.


San Ignacio Ikastetxea (Bizkaia)

Gaur egungo teknologia modernoen garaian, plazer bat izan da ikasleak betiko ipuin kontalariarekin ongi pasatzen ikustea. Argiak, musika, karakterizazioak, rol genero desberdinak taula gainean, istorio hezigarriak… Jarduera benetan aberasgarria eta dudarik gabe errepikatuko duguna! Eskerrik asko Adam!


BHI Lekaroz- Elizondo (Nafarroa)

Personally, I really liked The Last Bus Home, and with the help of the worksheet that you kindly provided and Google Maps, we could prepare the students before the session and get them interested by visiting the location of the British Museum and by finding out about London’s bus fleet, Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson (whom some of them thought were real people).

About The Jaguar, it was the first time we had the chance to listen to it and I loved the concept, the story, the setting and your vivid narration. The zoo scenes are very descriptive and how everything wraps up at the end is just a wonderful balanced work of art.


IES Zizur BHI, Zizur (Navarra)

The Enchanted Frog show enlightened imagination and broadened pupil’s knowledge about interesting topics with a vivid and exemplary discourse full of colour, music and theatrical performance. Thank you very much Adam!


Alaitz school Barañain (Navarra)

Nos ha encantado el espectáculo de Adam. Después de trabajar el vocabulario que nos facilitó de antemano, el alumnado estuvo enganchado al relato durante todo el show, gracias a las caracterizaciones y sucesos sorprendentes. Apreciamos enormemente poder escuchar inglés «de verdad» en distintos cuentos para alumnado entre 8 y 14 años: atractivo y ameno para tod@s. Gracias Adam, esperamos volver a disfrutar de más actuaciones tuyas, al alumnado les encantó y al profesorado más 😉


Zaragueta Herri Eskola, Orio (Gipuzkoa)

Nuestro alumnado se vio muy motivado con las historias de Adam de sus años mozos en Londres y la música que se escuchaba. Se divirtieron mucho. A los profes nos ha parecido enriquecedor hacer un repaso por diferentes movimientos musicales y recomendaría esta actividad. ¡Muy recomendable!


IES Sierra de Leyre, Sangüesa (Navarra)

Al 93% del alumnado le gustó o le encantó el contenido · Al 100% del alumnado le gustó o le encantó la escenografía (decorado y sonido) · Al 100% del alumnado le gustó o le encantó el ponente · El 93% del alumnado recomendaría repetir la sesión el próximo curso.


IES Pablo Sarasate, Lodosa (Navarra)

You were in our school in January and it was a great performance. The kids really enjoyed it and you made a great educational show all by yourself. We would highly recommend the work you do and we are willing to have you next year again in our school with a different story or perfomance.


Txinkorta school in Bidania (Gipuzkoa)

“Buena oportunidad de escuchar a una persona nativa en un ambiente relajado. El show además es atractivo y ameno por lo tanto útil para incrementar la motivación. El alumnado disfrutó del espectáculo. Una oferta educativa para tener en cuenta los próximos cursos.”


CEIP Virgen Blanca, Huarte, (Navarra)

Financiado por la Unión Europea, fondos Next Generation
The Enchanted Frog