
with a difference

The Enchanted Frog is more than just a native English speaker telling stories, it’s an educational and theatrical experience which through physical, gestural, poetical and onomatopoeic interpretation, transforms the learning of English into heaps of fun, fantasy and magic.

Aprendizaje en inglés

Storytelling in English

The Enchanted Frog brings you a selection of different stories, and a variety of interactive and theatrical performances, which turn the learning of English into heaps of fun.

Ideal for schools and all students of English, stories created and adapted to cater for all ages, primary, secondary, infants and even adults.

Stories full of fantasy, history, mystery and even more, which help to expand vocabulary and familiarise audiences with all aspects of pronunciation; intonation, articulation and fluency.

My stories

A great selection of my own original stories and a few carefully adapted classics.


Shows specially created for expanding on and learning grammar and pronunciation.


Shows for different age-groups and levels of English, from small children to teenagers and even adults...

Adam Redgrove

Born and raised in London, teacher, translator, sound technician, actor and so much more...

The Stories

The last bus storytelling

The Last Bus Home

From 12 to 15 years old
55 minutes

One of the most symbolic things in London are the Buses, those big red double decker buses.

Cuentacuentos en inglés con historias tradicionales de la India

Sita and the Tiger

From 6 to 8 years old
30 minutes

This story takes place in India… in a very small village, right in the middle of India.

Cuento de aventuras en inglés para colegios

A Surprisingly Healthy Treasure

From 5 to 13 years old
30 minutes

This story/theatrical show is one of my very own creations with different versions for audiences aged between 5 and 13.

We had the pleasure of organising a Storytelling workshop with Adam for our Batxilergo students. Adam is an excellent communicator and students loved the workshop. It was very useful to motivate our students and help them perform their own stories in small groups, focusing on storytelling strategies and intonation. We are looking forward to having Adam again next year, thank you!



Iturrama BHI Pamplona/Iruñea, Nafarroa


Sarriguren BHI workshop and performance

First a comprehensive Storytelling Workshop, then a performance of the Jaguar for 3rd years at Sarriguren BHI

Adam Redgrove

Adam Redgrove

Is from London and brings you The Enchanted Frog after considerable experience in both the dramatic arts and teaching English as a second language.

Financiado por la Unión Europea, fondos Next Generation
The Enchanted Frog